Angel R. Abundis
Has explored computational methodologies as a student, driven by a self-taught coding background and a deep curiosity. With a foundation in sociology, his research aimed to merge data science, machine learning, and fieldwork methods to explore cultural phenomena.
Through his development of AI models for graffiti analysis and his role as a field research assistant, he is committed to leveraging coding as a tool to address and propose solutions for urgent social issues.
I integrate software development with social science by building tools that enhance data analysis and visualization. Using WordPress as boilerplate, I developed Amoxeh, a WordPress plugin that leverages Voyant Tools for newspaper text analysis, enabling a deeper understanding of media narratives. , My work also applies machine learning to analyze Instagram, mapping hashtag networks interactions, and content flows
- Universidad de Guadalajara - Bachelor of Sociology, 2019Graffiti is Dead – Sociohistorical Approach to the Emergence and Evolution of the Graffiti Phenomenon in the City of GuadalajaraText analysis was conducted using the Amoxeh plugin with Voyant, providing a multidimensional understanding of graffiti's social dynamics in Guadalajara, encompassing public policies, media representations, civil groups, and the writer's perspectives.
- Universidad de Guadalajara - Master of Communication Studies, 2024Visualization of a Hypertextual Interaction Field in the Form of a Network Graph Using Computational Processes. Case Study: Graffiti on Freight Trains in North AmericaCoded idmb and DVI to visualize hashtag thematic networks, their users and content. Data was mined and analyzed to map graffiti styles, locations, and social connections across borders, complemented by fieldwork and interviews.
- Tagging the Writer’s Trace: How Computational Social Science Shaped (my) Freight Graffiti Research
- Si la calle es el medio, la calle es el mensaje: Grafiti como estrategia de comunicación extraoficial en Guadalajara
- Mining, Shaping, Visualizing, and Interpreting Instagram Hipertextual Networks of Freight Train Graffiti Communalities in North America Using Machine Learning Custom Models and Graphology
- Y sin embargo se mueve: Aproximación al concepto de graffiti en tránsito desde el graffiti en trenes de mercancía en la ciudad de Guadalajara
- El freight graffiti, un circuito de circulación simbólica transnacional oculto en el margen de las vías del tren
- Use of Machine Learning Classification Models, both Image and Text, in the Network Graphing. Case Study: Community of Practice Among Graffiti Writers on Freight Trains
- Implications of the Computational Social Science Perspective in the Analysis of Hypertextual Conversations on Instagram around Freight Train Graffiti
- La ciudad, un palimpsesto comunicacional: El graffiti neoyorquino, su capacidad de crear circuito masivo de comunicación
- El freight graffiti, una comunidad imaginada transnacional oculta en el margen de las vías del tren
- Node Reduction through Artificial Intelligence Inferences using Graphology and SigmaJS: A Case Study on Hypertextual Conversations in Freight Train Graffiti in the North American Region
Media Appearances
- “Aquí estoy”, la hazaña del graffiti tapatío («Here I Am»: The Odyssey of Guadalajara Graffiti)
- Cuenta una de las historias del grafiti tapatío (Shares One of the Stories of Guadalajara Graffiti)
- Presentaron El graffiti ha muerto (Graffiti is Dead was Presented)
- Graffitik a digitális bölcsészetben / DH_BUDAPEST konferencia (Graffiti in the digital humanities / DH_BUDAPEST conference)